Our Support


Is not just another department in an organization. It’s pervasive, like electricity...

Our technical support teams stand ready to assist you with all of your technical questions regarding your Overland products. Whether it is installation and configuration assistance or help resolving a product failure we are here to help.

Online Support:

You may find the quickest way to open a support case with us is to use our online web portal. Click Here to open a support ticket – you will be prompted to fill some information, and an active case number will be generated immediately.

You may also open a support call by sending an email to support@phoenix.com.eg – please include your contact details and full information for the product you are inquiring about.

Tickets opened electronically will be reviewed and responded to by our technical support teams within 48 hours of receipt.  If you have a 24x7x4-Hr. entitlement please utilize one of our other phone contact options detailed to ensure prompt attention.

27, 26th of July Corridor St, Mohandiseen Giza – Egypt.
(9:00am - 5:30pm)